Practice-Based Coaching: An Overview
Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, M.A., LLP, IMH-E (Consultant)
This interactive session will provide an introduction to Practice-based Coaching (PBC) and how it can be used to support implementation of interactional and instructional practices that ensure children’s access to and participation in inclusive settings. The PBC framework will be presented and discussed and examples of PBC in action will be shared.

Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, M.A., LLP, IMH-E, has been working with children, families and educators for over twenty years and is passionate about promoting young children’s social and emotional well-being in an effort to support resiliency and readiness for school. In addition to her private practice, she has been active in providing consultation and guidance for organizations such as Vanderbilt University, Pyramid Model Consortium, ZERO TO THREE, the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, Erikson Institute, Head Start, and Early Head Start. Kristin has also worked extensively with caregivers and teachers helping promote infant and young children’s social and emotional well-being, as well as efforts to prevent and respond to challenging behavior. Her portfolio includes work in national- and state-level early childhood education and mental health initiatives, in addition to coaching, reflective supervision, training, resource development, research, and evaluation of early childhood projects.
Tue 11:42 pm - 12:00 am